
These are my medical notes.

Resources and Inspirations for Taking Notes

About These Notes

Notes are written in markdown format with Obsidian. I have a script that autoruns every day to copy over and upload any markdown files in my Medicine folder.

Anki cards are also simultaneously made with Ankify.

Backlinks are generated with Andy's note link janitor.

This website is made using Astro. Originally I planned making it with Sveltekit, but I had trouble with the build process as the number of notes increased. Eventually I needed to statically render each markdown file. I ended up with Astro, where you can still use Svelte components.

Design and Colors

I wanted to make a website that prioritizes search instead of organization with tags or folders because search seems to be the best way to find information.

The two column notes design is stolen inspired from Hacker News.

This website uses Concourse as its main font from Butterick's Practical Typography.

The heading colors are taken from Obsidian Minimal Theme with Things color theme.

I learned about monochromatic colors in design here from a medium article To create that subtle variations in color with hover and click for the links, I made my own color picker based on the principles of varying satutation and value from the last link.


Let me know if you have any questions. [email protected]