pain management

1. Assess Pain

  • Using functional status as a guide
  • 30% improvement as function

Types of pain:

  • acute vs chronic
  • malignant vs non-malignant pain
  • Somatic
    • tissue damage, muscle, bone
    • aching, deep, dull, sharp, stabbing
    • localized
  • Visceral
    • gallbladder, intestines, liver
    • crampy, pressure, bloating, nausea, vomiting, sweating
    • referred
  • Neuropathic
    • cause: somatic/visceral coexisting, injury of nerves
    • electric, shooting, radiating, burning
    • radicular, stocking-glove
  • Opioid Risk tool: highest risk factors for substance abuse

2. Match treatment to pain

Naproxen: 500mg PO BID, unless AA, can increase BP

Tylenol: 1g TID scheduled


  • PEG scale use for opioids
  • chronic nonmalignant: no more than 50 OME/day (oral mili equavalents)

Side Effects

Additional treatment:

Muscle relaxant: use occasionally

Before starting Opioids

  • Do not use opiods and benzos. 10x mortality risks