01 Autonomics

  • NE acts as NT (e.g. BP); E acts as hormone (e.g. stress induced)
  • fight or flight Sympathetic mime: sympathomimetic

  • QISS: alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, beta-2 receptors are coupled to Gq, Gi, Gs, Gs respectively

  • Alpha scouts: alpha receptor agonists
  • Single lit alpha candle: alpha-1 agonist
  • 3 "dags": alpha-1 receptor coupled to Gq -> IP3-DAG cascade

  • "Dag" with bone: IP3-DAG cascade-> increased intracellular calcium (smooth muscle cell in vasculature/sphincters)
  • Alpha-1 scout pulling red leashes: alpha-1 activation increases peripheral arterial resistance (vasoconstriction at small arteries, arterioles, precapillary sphincters)
  • Alpha-1 scout elevating MAP: alpha-1 activation increases mean arterial pressure (MAP)
  • Alpha-1 scout pulling blue leashes: alpha-1 activation increases venous return (venoconstriction) (good for increase CO)
  • Alpha-1 scout binoculars: alpha-1 activation at pupillary dilator muscle causes mydriasis (pupillary dilation)
  • Alpha-1 scout pulling pants string: alpha-1 activation causes urethral sphincter and prostatic smooth muscle contraction
  • Full bladder canteen: alpha-1 activation causes urinary retention

  • Two lit alpha candles: alpha-2 agonist
  • "No sympathy": alpha-2 agonists are sympatholytics (act centrally to decrease sympathetic tone)
  • Packed up alpha-2 camp tent: alpha-2 receptor coupled to Gi -> decreased cAMP
  • Alpha-2 scout packing up presynaptic wire: presynaptic alpha-2 receptors cause inhibition of neurotransmitter release

  • Welcome INSIDE mat: insulin
  • Rolled up welcome INSIDE mat: alpha-2 activation at pancreatic islet cells decreases insulin release
  • Alpha-2 scout dousing roasting pig: alpha-2 activation inhibits lipolysis and release of fatty acids
  • Alpha-2 scout emptying water from eyeball hat: activation of alpha-2 at ciliary body decreases aqueous humor production (glaucoma meds)
  • Brim of eyeball hat: brimonidine is an alpha-2 agonist used to treat chronic open angle glaucoma (decreases aqueous humor production)

  • βand cAMP: beta receptor agonists increase cyclic AMP (cAMP)

  • Beta-1 horn: beta-1 agonist
  • "I heart βand cAMP": beta-1 receptors are found on cardiac myocytes (including SA and AV nodes)
  • "I heart βand cAMP": beta-1 activation causes increased cyclic AMP -> increased intracellular calcium
  • Elevated heart clock: beta-1 activation increases heart rate (SA node)
  • Buff contracted bicep: beta-1 activation increases cardiac contractility
  • Heart hydrant: beta-1 activation results in increased cardiac output
  • Open rain umbrella: beta-1 activation increases renin release (JGA cells), increase BP/volume

  • Beta-2 tuba: beta-2 activity
  • "ROL" call sheet: beta-2 agonists used for bronchodilation have -"rol" suffix (albuterol, formoterol, salmeterol)
  • Beta-2 camper taking big breath: beta-2 activation leads to bronchoDILATION (increased cyclic AMP -> activates PKA)
  • Beta-2 camper with dilated sleeves: beta-2 activation causes coronary and skeletal muscle vasoDILATION -> decreases systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
  • Beta-2 camper roasting pig: beta-2 activation stimulates lipolysis and release of free fatty acids
  • Beta-2 camper producing marshmallows from liver-shaped bag: beta-2 receptor activation at the liver promotes gluconeogenesis
  • Beta-2 camper carrying s'mores INSIDE tent: beta-2 activation at pancreatic islet cells stimulates insulin release-> moves glucose into cells
  • Banana peels: beta-2 activation can cause hypokalemia (due to increased insulin activity)
  • Beta-2 camper filling eyeball balloon: beta-2 activation at ciliary body increases aqueous humor production (β antagonist for glaucoma)
  • Sleeping beta-2 camp counselor: beta-2 agonists relax uterine smooth muscle


  • Flannel friends: phenylephrine (alpha-1 agonist)
  • Flannel friend holding single alpha candle: phenylephrine is an alpha-1 agonist

  • Flannel friend's nasal spray: phenylephrine treats nasal congestion (alpha-1 mediated local vasoconstriction reducing edema)
  • Flannel friend's binoculars: phenylephrine causes mydriasis (activates alpha-1 at pupillary dilator muscle)

  • map: Phenylephrine increases MAP (alpha-1 increase in SVR)
  • 1st line: Phenylephrine increases systolic pressure (alpha-1 arteriolar constriction)
  • 2nd line: Phenylephrine increases diastolic pressure (alpha-1 venous constriction)
  • Flannel friend's low dangling heart watch: phenylephrine causes reflex bradycardia (response to alpha-1 increase in MAP)
  • Pts with reduced autonomic function (diabetic neuropathy) can't have baroreceptor reflex = very high pressure in response

  • North compass: NORepinephrine (alpha>beta1 agonist) - a1, a2
  • North scout blowing beta-1 bugle: norepinephrine has some beta-1 activity (primarily an ALPHA AGONIST)

  • Norepinephrine increases MAP (alpha-1 increase in SVR)
  • Norepinephrine increases systolic pressure (alpha-1 arteriolar constriction)
  • Norepinephrine increases diastolic pressure (alpha-1 venous constriction)
  • North scout's low dangling heart watch: norepinephrine causes reflex bradycardia (response to alpha-1 increase in MAP)
  • North scout's buff contracted bicep: norepinephrine increases cardiac contractility (activates beta-1), although bradycarida
  • Norepinephrine increases pulse pressure (b2 activity)
  • Norepinephrine increases PULSE PRESSURE, difference between systolic and diastolic (beta-1 increase in contractility)

  • Septic tank: septic shock (phenylephrine and norepinephrine increase SVR and venous return to treat distributive/hypovolemic shock)

  • "Just DO BUgling": DOBUtamine (beta-1>beta-2 agonist)
  • Beta-1 bugle: dobutamine is primarily a beta-1 agonist
  • "Just DO BUgling" friend's beta-2 tuba: dobutamine has some beta-2 activity (primarily a BETA-1 AGONIST)

  • "Just DO BUgling" winding up heart flashlight: dobutamine increases heart rate, contractility, and cardiac output (beta-1 effects)
  • "Just DO BUgling" friend's dilated sleeves: dobutamine causes vasodilation -> decreases SVR (effects mild due to minimal beta-2 activity)
  • Dobutamine increases PULSE PRESSURE, difference between systolic and diastolic (beta-1 increase in contractility)
  • Dobutamine increases systolic pressure (beta-1 increase in CO)
  • Dobutamine can decrease diastolic pressure (beta-2 arteriolar dilation)

  • Batteries fallen out of heart flashlight: dobutamine can be used in cardiogenic shock
  • Dead heart batteries: cardiogenic shock (dobutamine increases contractility and CO to treat cardiogenic shock)
  • Dobutamine used for stress test (make heart work more without exercise )

  • "Iso-pro-tunnel" between beta-1 and beta-2 camps: isoproterenol (beta-1=beta-2 agonist)

  • Tunnel camper's elevated heart watch and contracted bicep: isoproterenol increases heart rate and contractility (beta-1 effects)
  • Tunnel camper's dilated sleeves: isoproterenol causes vasodilation -> decreases SVR (beta-2 effects)
  • Tunnel camper's dangling DIAmond earrings: isoproterenol decreases DIAstolic pressure (beta-2 vasodilation and decreased SVR)
  • Isoproterenol increases PULSE PRESSURE, difference between systolic and diastolic (beta-1 increase in contractility)
  • Isoproterenol decreases MAP (beta-2 decrease in SVR)
  • Isoproterenol decreases diastolic pressure (beta-2 arteriolar dilation)
  • dangling DIAmond earrings: decreased DIAstolic pressure (beta-2 vasodilation and decreased SVR)

  • "Do not disTURB": TERButaline prevents premature labor (beta-2 relaxes the uterus)
  • "I DREAM of band camp": ritoDRINE prevents premature labor (beta-2 relaxes the uterus)

  • EPIC kiss between alpha and beta camps: EPInephrine (beta>alpha agonist)
  • Low side of EPIC raft: at LOW doses, epinephrine's BETA AGONIST effects predominate
  • EPIC DIAmond falling off LOW side of raft: at LOW doses, epinephrine decreases DIAstolic pressure (beta-2 vasodilation and decreased SVR)
  • EPIC elevated heart watch and buff contracted bicep: epinephrine increased heart rate and cardiac contractility (beta-1 effects)
  • High side of epic raft: at HIGH doses, epinephrine's ALPHA AGONIST effects predominate
  • Epinephrine increases MAP (alpha-1 increase in SVR)
  • Epinephrine increases systolic pressure (alpha-1 arteriolar constriction)
  • Epinephrine can decrease diastolic pressure (beta-2 arteriolar dilation)
  • Epinephrine increases PULSE PRESSURE, difference between systolic and diastolic (beta-1 increase in contractility)

  • Beta-2 tuba girl's EPIC inhaler: epinephrine causes bronchodilation (beta-2 effects)
  • "Anna + Phil": anaphylactic shock (epinephrine increases SVR and bronchodilates to treat anaphylactic shock) a1 for vasoconstriction, b1 for blood flow to tissues, b2 for bronchodilation

Indirect Sympathomimetics

  • Indirect view of sympathetic mime: Indirect sympathomimetics
  • Catfish: catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine)
  • Dock: adrenergic nerve terminal (site of action of indirect sympathomimetics)
  • Retrieving tire: tyrosine (the amino acid precursor to catecholamines) is transported to nerve terminal
  • L-shaped rope handle: tyrosine is converted to L-DOPA
  • Dope rope: L-dopa is converted to dopamine
  • Sea vessel: vesicle containing neurotransmitters in the presynaptic neuron
  • "V" mat: vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT)
  • Catfish transported to sea vessel: catecholamines are transported by VMAT into presynaptic vesicle
  • North-facing compass on sea vessel: dopamine is converted to norepinephrine in the vesicle
  • Hauled in catfish NET: norepinephrine transporter (NET) transports norepinephrine (and dopamine) back into the presynaptic neuron
  • NET DAT catfish: dopamine transporter (DAT) transports dopamine back to the presynaptic neuron

  • "My tire!": metyrosine (a tyrosine analog) prevents conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA

  • Hot cocoa: cocaine
  • Hot cocoa scout ignoring catfish net: cocaine inhibits the norepinephrine transporter (NET and dopamine transporter (DAT)

  • Stimulated hot cocoa scout: cocaine can cause agitation, pupillary dilation, hypertension and tachycardia
  • Bloody nose: cocaine can cause nasal mucosal atrophy or septal perforation to due vasoconstriction
  • Constricted red crown: cocaine can cause coronary vasospasm and myocardial ischemia
  • Constricted net on anvil: cocaine induced coronary vasospasm can cause angina

  • High pressure blocked bugle: beta-blockers can cause severe hypertension in cocaine intoxication (unopposed alpha-1 stimulation)

  • Atom next to empty net: atomoxetine (NET inhibitor)
  • Distracting HD TV: atomoxetine treats attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Serpent blocking "V" mat: reserpine inhibits VMAT, depleting neurotransmitter stores

  • A FRIEND of MINE releasing catfish: amphetamines displace catecholamines (norepinephrine, dopamine) into synapse; good for attention to tasks
  • Distracted by HDTV while catfish are released: amphetamines can be used to treat ADHD
  • Friend Date on HDTV: methylphenidate (an amphetamine derivative) treats ADHD
  • Untouched dinner: stimulants (e.g. amphetamines, methylphenidate, modafinil) suppress appetite

  • Sleeping scout hitting "sleep mode": modafinil is a stimulant used to treat narcolepsy
  • Untouched dinner: stimulants (e.g. amphetamines, methylphenidate, modafinil) suppress appetite

  • Untouched dinner: stimulants (e.g. amphetamines, methylphenidate, modafinil) suppress appetite

  • Single rope swing: D1 receptor
  • Double rope swing: D2 receptor
  • Dope rope SwIng: D1 and D2 are coupled to Gs and Gi, respectively

  • Low kidney tied to single rope: low doses of dopamine act on D1 receptors to increases renal blood flow
  • Beta bugler in the middle: medium doses of dopamine activate beta-1 receptors (cardiac activation)
  • Alpha scout up high: high doses of dopamine activate alpha-1 receptors (pressor effects)
  • Brain helmet on double rope swing: D2 receptors are found in the CNS

Alpha drugs

  • Claw weapon: clonidine (alpha-2 agonist)
  • 2 lit alpha candles: alpha-2 receptor agonist

  • Brain-shaped platform: alpha-2 agonists given systemically affect the CNS (inhibition of sympathetic tone -> reduced blood pressure)

  • Crossed out "sympathy": alpha-2 agonists (e.g. clonidine) are sympatholytics
  • High pressure pipes: clonidine treats hypertension (reduced sympathetic tone)
  • Urgent pressure: clonidine is useful in the treatment of hypertensive urgency
  • Distracting mirror: clonidine can be used to treat ADHD
  • Tourette's marionette: alpha-2 agonists (e.g. clonidine) are useful in the management Tourette's syndrome

  • Alpha shaped rope: a-methyldopa (alpha-2 agonist)
  • 2 lit alpha candles: alpha-2 receptor agonist

  • Brain-shaped platform: alpha-2 agonists given systemically affect the CNS (inhibition of sympathetic tone -> reduced blood pressure)
  • High pressure pipes: a-methyldopa treats hypertension (reduced sympathetic tone)

  • Pregnant: a-methyldopa is primarily used to treat gestational hypertension
  • Lupus wolf: a-methyldopa can cause a lupus-like syndrome

  • To X-tine: tizanidine (alpha-2 agonist)
  • 2 lit alpha candles: alpha-2 receptor agonist
  • Relaxing chair: tizanidine (alpha-2 agonist) is a muscle relaxant

  • Phantom: phentolamine (reversible alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptor antagonist)
  • Extinguished single and double alpha candles: alpha-1 and alpha-2 antagonist
  • Dilated sleeves: phentolamine causes vasodilation (alpha-1 antagonist effect)
  • Hot cocoa: alpha antagonists (e.g. phentolamine) can be used to treat cocaine toxicity (avoid beta blockers due to unopposed alpha vasoconstriction)
  • Mousetrap protecting wine and cheese: MAO inhibitors can prevent the metabolism of tyramine -> hypertensive crisis (treat with alpha blockers e.g. phentolamine)

  • Irreversible phoenix tattoo: phenoxybenzamine (irreversible alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptor antagonist)
  • Hot cocoa: alpha antagonists (e.g. phentolamine) can be used to treat cocaine toxicity (avoid beta blockers due to unopposed alpha vasoconstriction)

  • Wine and aged cheese contain the sympathomimetic tyramine (metabolized by monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A))
  • Mousetrap protecting wine and cheese: MAO inhibitors can prevent the metabolism of tyramine -> hypertensive crisis (treat with alpha blockers e.g. phentolamine)

  • Frozen colorful dessert: pheochromocytoma (catecholamine secreting tumor of the adrenal medulla)
  • Brain freeze: catecholamine excess in pheochromocytoma causes headaches, hypertension, palpitations, sweating (use alpha blockers (e.g. phentolamine) preoperatively to control blood pressure)

  • Tiltable: alpha receptor antagonists can cause orthostatic hypotension (alpha-1 antagonist effect)
  • Heart shaped reflex hammer: alpha blocker induced hypotension causes reflex tachycardia
  • Dilated sleeves: alpha-1 antagonists "-osins" cause vasodilation

  • Opera singer: "-osin" suffix of alpha-1 selective antagonists (e.g. prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin)
  • Extinguished single alpha candle: alpha-1 receptor antagonist
  • Banister compressing prostate: alpha-1 antagonists (e.g. terazosin) treat symptoms of BPH (relax smooth muscle in the urethra and prostate)
  • Praying opera singer: prazosin (alpha-1 antagonist)
  • PTSD dog tags: prazosin can be used to treat PTSD

  • 2 extinguished alpha candles: alpha-2 receptor antagonist
  • Mirth and Misery: mirtazapine (atypical antidepressant with antagonist effects at alpha-2 and other a receptors)
  • Happy face: mirtazapine enhances serotonin release and treats depression

Beta drugs

  • Muted beta-1 bugle and beta-2 tuba: beta adrenergic receptor antagonists (beta blockers)
  • Brahm's LOLlaby : "-lol" suffix of beta blockers (e.g. propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol)

  • Weak arm: beta blockers decrease cardiac contractility (by antagonizing beta-1 receptors in the myocardium) (ionotropy)
  • Music notes: beta blockers suppress activity at the SA and AV nodes (by antagonizing beta-1 receptors) (chronotropy)
  • Low dangling heart watch: inhibition of SA node activity can cause bradycardia

  • A-BEAM spotlight on beta-1 bugler: beta-1 selective antagonists (e.g. Atenolol, Betaxolol, Esmolol, Acebutolol, Metoprolol) A through M
  • Nebivolol

  • A-BEAM spotlight on heart: the beta-1 selective antagonists primarily suppress adrenergic stimulation of the heart (cardioselective)
  • Broken heart strings under A-BEAM spotlight: cardioselective beta blockers are useful in the acute treatment of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)
  • Failing heart balloon in the A-BEAM spotlight: cardioselective beta blockers are useful in the management of chronic heart failure

  • Extinguished alpha candle on CARVED candleholder: carvedilol is a nonselective beta blocker and alpha-1 blocker
  • CARVED candleholder next to failing heart: carvedilol (in addition to cardioselective beta blockers) is useful in the management of chronic heart failure.

  • Angina anvil: beta blockers are useful in the management of chronic stable angina. Slow Hr, increase diastolic time, decrease contractility
  • Discarded oxygen line: beta blockers treat angina by reducing myocardial oxygen demand (decreased heart rate and contractility)
  • Angel: beta blockers (e.g. carvedilol and cardioselective agents) reduce mortality in chronic heart failure and post-MI
  • Remodeling: beta blockers reduce cardiac remodeling by protecting the heart from excess circulating catecholamines
  • Big obstructed heart bag: beta blockers are useful in the management of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Slow down heart, allow more filling
  • Rhythm inducing record: beta blockers have antiarrhythmic properties

  • High pressure pipes: beta blockers are useful in the treatment of hypertension (especially in patients with heart failure or post-MI). Decrease CO
  • Closed rain umbrella with blocked beta-1 bugle: beta blockers inhibit production of renin (antagonize beta-1 receptors at the JGA)

  • Alpha and beta organ stops with extinguished alpha candle: labetalol ("alpha-beta-lol") is a nonselective beta blocker and alpha-1 blocker
  • Dilated sleeves: labetalol antagonizes alpha-1 receptors causing vasodilation
  • Pregnant organist: labetalol treats hypertension in pregnancy
  • Emergency stop: labetalol is useful in hypertensive emergency (due to combined alpha and beta blocking effects)
  • Dissected organ pipe with ivy: IV beta blockers (e.g. labetalol, propranolol, esmolol) are useful in the acute management of aortic dissection

  • Ivy: IV beta blockers (e.g. labetalol, esmolol) treat hypertensive emergency
  • Dissected organ pipe with ivy: IV beta blockers (e.g. labetalol, propranolol, esmolol) are useful in the acute management of aortic dissection

  • Pounding head bell: beta blockers can be used for migraine prophylaxis
  • Big stormy bowtie: beta blockers are useful for the symptomatic treatment of thyroid storm (blocks increased sympathetic activity) (treat with propanolol, propylthiouracil, prednisolone)
  • Shaking baton: beta blockers treat essential tremor
  • Draining the muted beta-2 tuba: topical nonselective beta blockers (e.g. timolol) treat glaucoma (antagonize beta-2 receptors on the ciliary epithelium -> decreased aqueous humor production)

  • Droopy trombone: beta blockers can cause impotence in men
  • Remain un-blocked: beta blockers can cause or exacerbate heart block (due to excessive suppression of AV node conduction)
  • Wheezing beta-2 tuba player: nonselective beta blockers can exacerbate asthma and COPD (antagonize beta-2 mediated bronchodilation). Block b1 and b2 causing vasoconstriction

  • Agonizing plastic bugle: acebutolol (a selective beta-1 antagonist with partial agonist activity)
  • Agonizing pin: pindolol (a nonselective beta blocker with partial agonist activity)
  • Popping failing heart: beta blockers with partial agonist activity (e.g. pindolol, acebutolol) should be avoided in patients with heart failure or a history of MI

  • Glucagon packets: glucagon treats beta blocker toxicity (stimulates heart via glucagon receptors)