01 Innate Immunity

Innate vs adaptive

- Innate immune response can react directly to invaders
- T cells require antigen presentation from APC
- If T cells can react to any thing, then autoimmune problems

- interleukins: travel between leukocytes


- Neutrophils on call to assist macrophages when needed

- Virus have double stranded RNA and some single stranded RNA that transiently gets copied to double
- DNA in human is methylated; bacteria has unmethylated DNA

- macrophages guards, ready to consume any foreigners


- proteases break down proteins, nucleases nucleotides, lysozymes cell wall

- tissue destruction from macrophages/neutrophils

- TB modifies surface of phagosome


- macrophages 1st line of defense: IL-1

- macrophages 1st line of defense: 1st IL
- IL1 raises set point temperature
- TNF-a kills tumors by causing coagulation in tumors, but can also cause DIC


- backup cells to macrophages

- Neutrophils always have SL X, normally nothing to bind to

- ICAM always on endothelial cells, normally can't bind anything

- alk phos: low in some leukemias (CML)
- collagenase: breaks down collagen; lysozyme: breaks down cell wall; lactoferrin: found in breast milk and binds iron, lyse bacteria and kill cell in neutrophils


- alternative pathway: spontaneous conversion

NK cells


- antibodies elements of adaptive immune system

- NK part of innate; T/B part of adaptive

- positive charge picks up Eosin dye


- helminths binds multiple IgE, triggering cross link and degranulation
Dendritic Cells

- star shaped
- professional antigen presenters
- battle raging in tissue; dendritic cells pick up antigen to present to T cells

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