02 Bacteria Culture

  • Blood: enriched (blood) and differential (blood pattern)
  • Eosin methylene blue: selective (gm-) and differential (lactose fermenting)

Fastidious bacteria

Blood Agar

  • pseudomonas is negative

Chocolate Agar


  • staph aureus beta hemolysis first


Aka thayer-martin media.


Bordet-Gengou agar

Aka potato agar.


  • made from potatoes - high in starch

Loeffler's media

  • selective for C. dphtheria.

Tellurite plate

  • differential for c. diphtheria. Reduces tellurite to tellurium
  • Gray black colonies.


Eaton's agar

  • culture for mycoplasma pneumonia.

MacConkey's agar


Eosin-Methylene Blue


  • EMB

Sorbitol MacConkey


Buffered charcoal yeast extract


  • charcoal for legionella
  • classic: nursing home with atypical pneumonia

Sabouraud's agar


Special growth requirements

Superoxide dismutase and catalase

  • O2 radical toxic to bacteria. Must be neutralized by aerobic organisms



  • no O2 in abscess

  • bacteroides: appendicitis

  • Aspirate vomit
  • Clindamycin for anaerobe above diaphragm (lung)
  • Metronidazole for anaerobe below diaphragm
  • Also can use cipro/quinolone for diverticulitis/appendicitis
