05 Translation

  • mRNA from 5 to 3
  • 1st amino acid at 5' cap is read first

  • protein synthesis antibiotics target ribosomes only found in prokaryotes

  • not normal bases found in RNA. Very unusual shape

  • base pairs with itself within the molecule

  • genetic code: codon on mRNA, coding strand
  • tRNA: anticodon, complementary to genetic code

  • thymidine normally not found in RNA. Also normally no OH

  • aa to 3' end of tRNA

  • 2 phosphate lost from ATP. AA combined with AMP
  • AMP split off, amino acid added
  • formation of aminoacyl group via aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

  • hydrolyze and cleave aa off from AMP/tRNA and not added to chain

  • each site is a codon on mRNA strand

  • methionine in eu. fMet in bacteria
  • tRNA for met or fMet binds directly to P site
  • met removed later

  • catalyzed by the ribosome itself
  • peptidyl transferase: made of RNA not proteins

  • no tRNA with anticodons to these codons
  • OH group at end of molecule

  • N-: sugar to nitrogen, etc.