06 Gluconeogenesis

  • costs energy
  • secrete glucose into blood
  • other sources of carbon and molecules can be converted to glucose

  • gluconeogenesis costs ATP
  • cell only wants to go in either TCA or gluconeogenesis
  • acetyl coa indicator of metabolic activity
  • ATP inhibits enzymes of TCA, acetyl coa levels go up
  • acetyl coa allosterically activates pyruvate carboxylase


  • carboxylase adds COOH

  • 1st step occur in mito
  • rest in cytosol

  • any carboxylase enzyme using CO2 and ATP needs biotin

  • high levels of ATP drive pyruvate into gluconeogenesis (can't) and thus into lactate



  • Glucose 6 phosphatse in ER

Hormonal Control

  • only odd chain FA can be converted to glucose
  • glycerol from triglycerides