08 Spirochetes

  • green color shirt: lyme disease

  • North east sign: Primarily Northeastern United States
  • tick on sign: Transmitted by bite of tick living in wooded areas
  • Robin of Ixodes: Ixodes Scapularis species of tick
  • Tick is the vector
  • small mouse: White-footed mouse main reservoir (host of tick larvae)
  • large deer: White-tailed deer obligatory host (host of adult tick)

  • Doesn't gram stain: walls too thin
  • sir wright: Visualized by Wright's stain (lime green for lyme disease)
  • sir giemsa: Visualized by Giemsa stain

stage 1:

  • "Bull's eye" rash
  • splitting arrow: Spirochete
  • sweating sir wright: Flu-like symptoms

stage 2:

  • heart shield: Heart block caused by Myocarditis
  • bells on both side: Bilateral Bell's palsy

stage 3:

  • arrow in head, confused giemsa: Encephalopathy (memory difficulty, cognitive slowing, meningitis)
  • arrow in knee, swinging strawman: Migratory polyarthritis, large joints and may move from joint to joint

  • bike wheel: Doxycycline treatment if caught in early stage
  • axes: Ceftriaxone treatment if more severe or later presentation


  • scene: endemic in tropical regions
  • yellow tide: Leptospira found in water contaminated with animal urine

  • spiral shape surface leash and question mark: Described as spiral shaped or question mark shaped
  • Whale: Weil's disease.

  • surfer dripping wet: Fever
  • rose colored sunglasses, rubbing eye: Conjunctival suffusion. Redness of eye but no exudate/pus
  • floating reds look like RBC all over place: Leptospira affects multiple different organs by hematogenous spread
  • rubber red shaped like kidney: Leptospira can cause kidney dysfunction
  • yellow surfer: Weil's disease can cause liver dysfunction and jaundice