11 TCA

  • products used where they are produced

  • acetyl coa donates 2 C to TCA that are removed as 2 CO2, no net difference in carbons
  • acetyl coa cannot be converted to glucose that's made from oxaloacetate because it doesn't donate any extra carbons
  • even chain FA can be converted to acetyl coa, cannot increase oxaloacetate or make glucose


  • irreversible, regulated by ATP
  • citrate important indicator of energy levels inside cell. High levels of ATP inhibits citrate metabolism

  • lowers level of oxaloactate for citrate synthase = less acetyl coa used
  • high acetyl coa also from FA oxidation
  • result: shunted towards ketone


A Ketoglutarate


  • irreversible
  • succinyl coa/NADH inhibit




  • transport NADH in for ETC and oxaloacetate out for gluconeogenesis

  • donate electron from NADH to malate
  • OAA regenerated outside via aspartate conversion