12 ETC

  • takes electrons from electron carriers

  • 2 NADH outside have to be shuttled in via malate shuttle or glycerol phosphate shuttle

  • mitochondria membrane convert glycerol phosphate back and generate FADH2, carry not as much energy. Some energy lost

Complex 1

  • ski.jpg II

Complex II

  • CoQ deliver enzymes to complex 3

Complex III

  • iron goes back and forth in cytochrome as opposed of Hgb

  • oxidizes cytochrome c

  • phosphorylating ADP to make ATP via enzyme

  • ATP synthase complex 5

  • number of ATP generated per O2


  • uncoupling: ETC still working but not coupled to phosphorylation of ADP

  • rotenone: inhibitor of reduction of CoQ
  • CO binds Fe2 and competes with O2 for electron transfer
  • cyanide no effect on RBC with Fe2

  • progress to shock quickly
  • O2 not extracted because ETC inhibited
  • lactic acidosis: one of ways people die

  • poke a hole in inner membrane

  • DNP in research labs
  • aspirin: fever, H+ leaking out generating heat
  • normally lipolysis makes ATP
  • brown fat: not coupled ETC, lipolysis generates heat