13 FA


  • acetyl coa can be used for FA synthesis but can't cross membrane
  • citrate also inhibit glycolysis once in cytosol

  • malonyl coa inhibit beta oxidation so no breakdown of FA while synthesis



  • glycerol travel to liver and converted to glycerol-3-phosphate


  • adds coA molecule

  • increased requirements from high metabolism

  • can't breakdown FA
  • cardiomyopathy: heart also needs FA
  • can only use glucose: hypoglycemia
  • cannot make ketones
  • normally hypoglycemic = high levels of ketone bodies

  • can't move carnitine
  • has carnitine
  • build up of FA

  • high levels of acyl carnitine
  • dicarboxylic acids made via omega oxidation

  • even chain: metabolize until gone