18 Hodgkin Lymphoma

  • lymphocytes form mass: oma

  • painful: reactive lymph nodes in infection

  • tissue biopsy of mass/lymph node


  • Hodgkins

Hodgkin Lymphoma

  • autoimmune: immune activation

  • Owl sitting in weeds: Hodgkin lymphoma = Reed-Sternberg cells that look like "owl's eyes"

  • reed sternberg only a small amt of cell in lymph nodes
  • most cells are reactive cells reacting to cytokines from reed sternberg: B symptoms more common
  • one of the reactive cells: macrophages, containing 1a hydroxylase

  • spread from 1 set of nodes to another, very predictable

  • most pt classical form

  • variant of reed sternberg: popcorn cells

  • tumor forms fibrosis tissues that surrounds tumor, creating nodules

  • mixed cellularity: lots of eosinophils
  • more the lymphocytes, better prognosis

  • enlargement often in nonhodgkin

  • most common regimen
  • don't memorize