21 Amyloidosis

  • clump of proteins in extracellular space of tissues
  • lots and lots of different amyloid proteins that can accumulate

  • common features of all amyloid
  • biopsy similar to other proteins, use stain

  • also common feature


  • age related: senile


  • transports thyroid: transthyretin
  • ATTR: name for amyloidosis with transthyretin

  • cardiac form of amyloidosis

  • takes years to build up


  • primary amyloidosis


  • secondary amyloidosis: occurs secondarily to inflammation
  • Acute phase reactants: levels elevated in inflammation

Familial Mediterranean Fever

  • in mediterranean countries
  • serosal surfaces, abdomen, mimic appendictis
  • neutrophil disorder


Symptoms by organs

  • brain: Alzheimer
  • pancreas: type 2 diabetes, amylin
  • thyroid: medullary carcinoma, calcitonin deposition

  • common with AL and age related