22 UTI

  • pyelonephritis: kidney


  • most are entero bacteria

  • hair bow: Fimbriae, pili like, cause for UTI
  • UTI cup with #1: Most common cause of UTI

  • horn of stag: Forms staghorn calculi in renal stones

  • ankylosaurus with clubbed tail/ kleb tail
  • mucous on back: polysaccharide capsule
  • NH3 bottle spraying kleb: Urease positive
  • bag of urine: Urinary tract infection

  • Sexy girl with UTI cup: S. saprophyticus is a common cause of UTI in sexually active females

  • Do U heart trees: May cause of endocarditis, UTI, and biliary tree infection (insoluble in bile)

Risks and Demographics

  • urethra shorter and closer to rectum
  • UTI in men: suspect for diabetes

  • fast urinary flow: bacteria pushed out
  • trickling urinary flow: bacteria climb up

Symptoms and Diagnosis

  • burning type of pain
  • no fever, chills, sweats

  • WBCs pushed together as passed through ureter
  • pts with pyelonephritis may also have symptoms for cystitis (infection ascends)

  • look at urine, cloudy = UTI
  • dipstick test for leukocyte esterase

  • presence of pyuria with negative urine culture


  • Red bladder cup: treat gram negative UTIs (e.g. E. coli, Proteus)
  • Mona Lisa elevating and sipping from bladder cup: levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin treat UTI caused by Pseudomonas
  • Milky kidney flask: empiric treatment for pyelonephritis
  • Flower bulb down pants: treat acute prostatitis

  • Bladder cup: first line treatment for UTI
  • Egg down pants: treats acute prostatitis

Chronic pyelonephritis

  • scarring
  • blunted calyx:

  • pyramid blunted, round calyx instead of sharp

  • depression with scarring