23 Heart Sounds

  • S1: closure of MV, LV > LA
  • S2: closure of AV, LV < aortic pressure

  • S1: QRS, depolarization of ventricles, contract, close mitral and tricuspid valves
  • S2: aortic closes first



  • inspiration: increased venous return to RV, longer for RV to pump blood, delays PV closure


  • exhalation: some separation of aortic and pulmonic components of S2, increases with inspiration, doesn't go away in exhalation
  • RBBB: delayed contraction of RV, even during exhalation, PV closure late
  • PHTN: dilated RV, delayed closure of PV even during exhalation
  • anything delays contraction of RV: electrical (RBBB) or structural (dilated)


  • ASD: blood from left to right, always have increased venous return to right, even during exhalation
  • doesn't change in size during exhalation/inspiration, different from persistent
  • child with shortness of breath and fixed split S2 = ASD


  • split during exhalation and single during inhalation
  • exhalation: AV closure delayed
  • inhalation: venous return delays PV closure, single heart sound

  • pacemaker: signal to RV first, delayed left closure
  • HCM: blockage to flow from thickened septum




  • quick moving blood hits wall

  • pt lie on left side on exam table
  • Kentucky

  • between s2 and s1 is diastole

  • slams blood hitting stiff wall and making a loud noise, requires atrial kick, can't occur in afib
  • Tennessee

  • between s2 and s1 is diastole


  • sound like click and in systole

  • normal: leveled plane
  • MVP: leaflets bellow up into LA, leaflets damaged and stretched, cause click when leaflets snap up into LA like a parachute, small amount of mitral regurge after click

  • click and holosystolic: sounds like mitral regurge with S3