24 HF Basics

  • pump draining water from tank being filled with water from pipe
  • if pump is working, pumping water out, level of water in tank should be low

  • pump starts to fail, less water out
  • water level rises

  • pump really failed
  • tank completely filled, overflow

  • pump = heart

  • tank = lungs/veins

  • water = blood

  • chambers fail, blood left behind
  • blood exert pressure on wall of heart chamber

  • LV systolic pressure can be low in some heart failure
  • LVEDP: always high, hallmark of LHF
  • top arrow: peak, systolic pressure, may be high or low
  • bottom arrow: diastolic pressure, always high
  • systolic HF: less blood pumped out, more left behind
  • diastolic HF: stiff ventricle, higher pressure

  • closes MV at earlier point in time before LA empties, rise in LA pressure, LA begins to fail
  • then, pulmonary capillary pressure rises, classic symptoms

  • pulmonary capillary, Pc, hydrostatic pressure drives water out into interstitium

  • LA pressure = 5, pulmonary capillary pressure also 5
  • if LA P increase to 20 in heart failure, hydrostatic pressure in lung also becomes 20
  • increase driving force to push fluid out = pulmonary edema

  • domino effect: LV failure leads to high pressure in venous system, JVD and edema

  • CO falls, vasoconstrict to maintain perfusion and BP via Ang II and sympathetic

  • ECV still down even with high TBW

  • not enough to overcome RAAS

  • One in a million: milrinone
  • Don't phoster disinterest: milrinone inhibits phosphodiesterase
  • CAMPaign: milrinone decreases breakdown of cAMP
  • Flexing arm: milrinone increases cardiac contractility
  • Dilated red donkey ears: milrinone causes arteriolar dilation and decreased afterload. Hypotension SE
  • Turn the tide: nesiritide
  • BuMP: nesiritide is a synthetic form of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
  • GruMP: nesiritide increases cGMP in smooth muscle
  • Dilated red ears and blue legs: nesiritide causes arteriolar and venous dilation, reducing afterload and preload
  • Salty peanut stream: nesiritide causes natriuresis


  • sudden wakening in middle of night feeling SOB
  • insomnia and sleeping upright with pillows behind
  • backward failure: symptoms of blood backing up before ventricles, not symptoms from inability to push blood forward

  • RHF in isolation: high pressure only in pulmonary artery, etc.
  • cor pulmonale: isolated RHF, normal LH

  • forward failure: symptoms when LV not pumping blood forward
  • loss of appetite: poor perfusion to gut, weight loss (cardiac cachexia)
  • confusion: poor perfusion to brain
  • narrow pulse pressure: systolic pressure low

  • can have clear CXR in chronic state

  • RBC pushed out of capillaries, engulfed by macrophages in lung

  • find height of bounce, add 5 to it
  • Normal = 6 = 1 + 5

  • press on abdomen just below liver

  • leaves pit behind

Heart Sounds

  • S3 in question: left heart failing, pressure high in LA
  • S4: more often in diastolic HF


  • definitive: heart catheter