30 Gaze Palsies

  • look to right: begin in PPRF signal to CN 6 nucleus, innervate LR
  • MLF: CN 6 nerve fiber to contralateral CN III

  • PPRF next to MLF and CN 6 nucleus


  • INO aka

  • left INO: left MLF damaged, can't gaze right
  • move left: everything ok
  • move right: midline

  • gaze right
  • LR of right eye ok
  • MLF damaged: left eye can't adduct
  • left INO

  • left INO: left eye can't gaze right
  • right INO: right eye can't gaze left

CN 6 Palsy


  • no PPRF: can't initiate gaze to affected side
  • both eyes can't gaze right, opposed to CN 6 (only right eye can't gaze right)

One and Half

Frontal Eye Field

  • normal gaze: right and left FEF both pushing eyes equally
  • lesion: remove activation of one side, other side dominates