32 Hypertension

- pressure changes throughout day

- drink alcohol: resistant htn

- HTN screening important because association with number of diseases

- rupture of atherosclerosis leads to MI

- glassy appearing
- leakage of protein materials out of arterial wall

- much less common
- malignant: BP rises rapidly and a lot in short amt of time
- bp so high, basement membrane replicating
- symptoms can occur (usually asymptomatic)

- lower density of arterioles

- increased afterload, increased work of heart
- left: nl voltage. Right: higher
- diastolic HF, S4
- LV concentric hypertrophy:

- lumen same size, wall much thicker

- systolic/diastolic rises
- pulse pressure also rises
- when C compliance falls, delta P, change in pressure goes up
- left: compliant vessel, blood flow in and stretch vessel, pressure does not increase that much
- right: vessel can't stretch, pressure increase much higher

- confusion
- afterload so high, no blood to heart

- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

- rapidly progressive and fatal in 1-2 years
- now definition: severe HTN difficult to control
Secondary HTN
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- secondary HTN either raise CO or raise TPR

- cannot excrete Na normally

- sympathetic ramped up from repeated episodes of apnea

- diltiazem drug of choice to treat HTN caused by these 2 drugs

- no sign of volume overload

- low plasma renin, high aldosterone. Important

- catecholamines released in episodes

- normal kidney compensates for volume retention

- pressure natriuresis: autoregulation. One kidney releasing more renin/Na causing the other to release less
- increased RAAS/BP: normal kidney can't compensate

- in setting of renal artery stenosis, pts depend on Ang II's efferent vasoconstriction to maintain GFR

- association and can develop renal artery stenosis
- healthy women in 40s develop HTN resistant to therapy and has bruit over renal artery