39 Dementia and Delirium

- both when people get confused
- delirium: over course of hours

- like EKG for heart
- records nerve cell depolarization
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob: spiked

- withdrawal from alcohol/opioids
- take dementia patient in unknown setting: they become delirius
- PNA: pneumonia
- AMS: altered mental status


- haloperidol: give acutely

- pyramidal = corticospinal tract

- in order they occur
- dystonia: acute effect, a few hours
- tardive: after years
- also NMS

- Falling "extra parking" cone: antimuscarinics treat extrapyramidal side effects caused by antipsychotics: e.g. dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonism (re-establish dopaminergiccholinergic balance)

- see fever, rigid muscles, think haloperidol

- no change in level of consciousness, all cognition

- Alzheimers
- can't do daily job
- urinate on themselves

- small strokes that result in dementia

- global loss of cognitive ability

- APP normally found on neurons, alpha degradation no negative effect
- beta builds up to AB sheets of amyloid

- build up in extracellular space

- sporadic: not mutated gene
- risk groups get early disease

- not type 1 diabetes
- brain injury, LOC for >30 min more likely

- classically brought by family

- Alzheimer's GALA: galantamine (acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used to treat Alzheimer's disease)
- REVERSE the STIGMA: rivastigmine (acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used to treat Alzheimer's disease)
- Done with brain puzzle: donepezil (acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used to treat Alzheimer's disease)
- Brain puzzle: galantamine, rivastigmine, and donepezil penetrate the CNS
Infarct Dementia

- pt do ok then have a sudden decrease, then do ok, then another sudden decrease (little strokes make them worse each time)
Lewy Body

- parkinson symptoms first, then dementia: Parkinson
- dementia symptoms first, then parkinson: dementia
Pick's Disease

- similar in appearance to tangles but nice round


- round vacuoles in brain
- same thing that causes mad cow.

- PrPc normal, everyone has them
- PrPsc gets in body and link to normal one, convert it to abnormal
Links to this note

- startle to minimal stimuli
- know spike wave complexes