alcoholic hepatitis


  • fever, jaundice, tender hepatomegaly, leukocytosis


  • Labs: mildly elevated AST:ALT ratio > 2, high GGT, high INR, thrombocytopenia, elevated MCV
  • clinical diagnosis: evidence of porrtal HTN with hx of consistent alcohol intake
  • US or CT: steatosis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension
  • Severity determined by Maddrey score: MDF score = 4.6 (prothrombin time – control prothrombin time) + total bilirubin (mg/dL)
  • Can also use MELD score > 20 = moderate/severe disease
  • Score of 32 or greater or hepatic encephalopathy defined as severe cases


  • Nonsevere, MDF < 32: supportive, no prednisolone
  • thiamine, alcohol treatment
  • Pentoxifylline not effective, do not use
  • Severe: prednisolone (STOPAH trial showing improved 28 day mortality)
    • CI includes active infection, UGIB, AKI, HCV/HBV, multiorgan failure
  • Assess response on day 7 with Lille score, discontinue if no response >0.45
  • Lille score less than 0.45: continue prednisolone for 28 days


  • Alcohol abstinence can result in significant stabilization of liver function and reversal of portal hypertension.
  • Liver transplantation is reserved for appropriate candidates who are at low risk for alcohol relapse.