
Reversible Causes

  • TSH/T4
  • CMP: BUN/Cr
  • LFT: liver cirrhosis
  • B12
  • RPR
  • Screen for depression/pseudodementia
  • CT/MRI: look for hydrocephalus, hematoma

Dementia, delirium, amnesia, MCI

  • Dementia: cognitive impairment (attention, concentration, speech), memory loss; chronic, insiduous, permanent
  • Delirium: cognitive impairment, memory loss; acute, overt, wax/wane, reversible
  • Amnesia: no cognitive impairment, memory loss
Normal agingmild cognitive impairmentDementia
cognitive test -test +test +
function normal (act independently)function normalfunction -


  • mild cognitive impairment without functional impairment
  • MOCA: <26 or < 25 for less educated
  • 1/2 develop dementia in 5 years


  • population
    • 1/3 people at 90 years old
    • 1/10 people at 80 year old
    • 1/20 people at 70 year old
  • Normal aging: slowing over time, short term memory should be ok
  • Dementia = cognitive impairment (moca) and functional impairment (IADL/ADL)
  • Diagnoses based on functional status and not based on MOCA alone
  • IADL: driving, meds, finances
  • ADL: bathing, dressing, eating
  • Takes 10 years on average to go from early to late dementia
  • Typical Dementia Sx
    • delusion, hallucinations
    • aggressions
    • paranoid
    • memory loss
  • Early dementia:
    • only IADL impaired
    • tangential, paucity of thoughts
    • short term memory loss, execution problems
    • MOCA < 20 or 15
  • Moderate dementia:
    • some ADL impairment
    • speak 1-2 sentences
  • Late dementia:
    • all ADL impairment
    • problems with ambulation, eating, falling
    • 2-3 words
  • Death: from pneumonia, fall, hip fx

Dementia Medications


  • carbidopa-levodopa: carbidopa for CNS. Levodopa for peripheral.
  • basically dopamine
  • take on empty stomach only
  • half life 4 hours
  • need it during the day
    • wake up => 10-50
    • lunch => 10-50
    • dinner => 10-50
  • no sinemet at night
  • Dosing
    • start 10-25 or 10-50
    • then 25-100
    • then 50-100 at lunch or 50-200 at lunch
    • no BID dosing


  • SSRI, first line for all of the dementia sx:
    • sertraline 25mg week 1, go up to 50 then reassess in 2-3 weeks, go up to 100 or 150
    • Celexa (least drug drug): 10-40mg, minimum drug drug interaction, no CYP
    • Lexapro (least cardiac): 5-20mg, no QTC prolongation
  • Remeron
  • Antipsychotic: seroquel 25 (really need to 200mg for effect), risperidol 0.5, zyprexa 20. Not using these for psychosis. Take off very slowly, 25% every 2-3 weeks. Always try to go down on antipsychotics
  • Mood stabilizers: depakote 25mg QHS, BID, 125 mg - 250 mg for sundowning

Early dementia

  • use ACH I: Donepezil QD, Rivastigmine BID (patch), galantamine
  • 2-3 pts better on testing
  • delay decline slightly
  • does not stop progression
  • works better in 1/3 ppl, 1/3 same, 1/3 bad SE
  • SE: GI, diarrhea, dizziness, bradycardia

Moderate dementia

  • mostly treat sun downing, apathy, agitation, outbursts, aggression, appetite changes, sleep, acting out dreams (Lewy body),
    • hallucinations (LBD), puppies, children
    • LBD: less tremors, more bradykinesia/rigidity
    • Alzheimers: delusion
    • Vascular: disinhibition
  • also has apathy, agitation, outbursts, aggression
  • Memantine, behavior manage
  • some respond
  • SE: agitation

Types of Dementia


  • path: plaques and tangles, Ch21 association
  • pt: elderly
  • symptoms:
    • short term memory goes first, then long term
    • spares social graces
  • diagnosis: clinical. CT shows diffused cortical atrophy
  • treatment: supportive, education, Ach I


  • path: frontotemporal degeneration
  • Symptoms: personality goes first (hypersexual, hyperaggressive), retain memory at first
  • diagnosis: clinical. Imaging shows frontal temporal degen
  • treatment: supportive

Lewy body

  • path: lewy body
  • symptoms: parkinsonian symptoms with dementia. Dementia predominant. Visual hallucination.
  • diagnosis: clinical. Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder distinguishes from Alzheimer
  • treatment: supportive


  • path: stroke
  • symptoms: step wise decline with each stroke
  • diagnosis: presence of infart on imaging not enough, must have step wise decline
  • treatment: treat stroke


  • path: prions
  • pt: consume undercooked meat or sporadic mutation
  • symptoms: really yound dementia (30-40s) with myoclonus
  • diagnosis: MRI
  • treatment: supportive


  • path: increased ICP
  • symptoms: wet, wobbly, weird
  • diagnosis: CT shows hydrocephalus. LP shows improvement of function
  • treatment: VP shunt

DM and dementia

  • mod dementia: A1C < 8, goal avoid HHS
  • CHF: < 7.5


  • BP 140-150/80-90 goal
  • late dementia goal 160/100, avoid hypertensive crisis