legg calve perthes
- related: Pediatric
- pt:
- 4-8 years, male predominant
- higher risk with FHx, low birth weight, 2nd hand smoking
- cause: idiopathic avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Interruption of the blood supply by a currently unknown cause.
- symptoms:
- slow onset
- gradual painless limp
- intermittent knee, hip, groin, thigh pain
- dx
- Hip stiffness with loss of internal rotation and abduction
- Gait disturbance
- Limb length discrepancy (late disease finding)
- x ray finding:
- Medial joint space widening (earliest finding)
- Small femoral head due to irregularity of the femoral head ossification center
- Subchondral fracture
- rx:
- treatment strategy is containment of the hip within the acetabulum by either bracing or surgical means.
- Operative treatment is indicated in children over age 8 or in cases of permanent hip dysplasia, and involves acetabular reconstruction
- complications
- Osteoarthritis
- Progressive avascular necrosis
- Early arthroplasty in cases of permanent dysplasia.,

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