spice III found higher mortality in younger patients with precedex



  1. Shehabi Y, Serpa Neto A, Howe BD, Bellomo R, Arabi YM, Bailey M, Bass FE, Kadiman SB, McArthur CJ, Reade MC, Seppelt IM, Takala J, Wise MP, Webb SA; SPICE III Study Investigators. Early sedation with dexmedetomidine in ventilated critically ill patients and heterogeneity of treatment effect in the SPICE III randomised controlled trial. Intensive Care Med. 2021 Apr;47(4):455-466. doi: 10.1007/s00134-021-06356-8. Epub 2021 Mar 8. PMID: 33686482; PMCID: PMC7939103.