- duration of antibiotics in osteomyelitis patients after source control
- ECG: podrids
- deep Q waves
- Lidocaine infusion for VT
- procainamide
- posterior MI
- wall motion abnormalities
- afib warfarin: Bridge trial
- Bush-Francis scale for catatonia
- antibiotics for cellulitis
- ICU nutrition
- normal weight based nutrition
- elevated BMI uses IBW for nutrition
- PCD does not affect GI tract: no GI problems
- hermansky pudlak syndrome
- NEJM PAH pathways
- elevated PA pressure
- Uptodate - Management of vasogenic edema in patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors
- UPA in prostate cancer
- HLH CNS involvement
- COPD: switch roflumilast with azithromycin with different patients. Roflumilast has more GI side effects. 1/2 dose a week, once a day => 500 mg
- meningitis antibiotic duration differs based on type of infection
- post laryngectomy: anatomy changes
- AFIRE trial
- galactomannan false negative when patient is on cephalosporin
- idiopathic pna with autoimmune features criteria: celcept, 2015
- sarcoid diagnosis: intraluminal endobronchial biopsy , airway; +2 ln
- feno for asthma
- Ps 8 for hypercapnia. Peep 8 for increase recruitment
- Orthodeoxy: VQ l/r side down for pe
- lymphocyytic pleurale ffusion: drug toxicities
- pilot trial
- synthetic fentanyl show up negative on UDS
- PESi score for PE
- FVC and IVC inhaled vital capacity, 80% of FVC for DLCO adequacy
- DDAVP for uremic pts
- panther ipf trial
- flash registry data for flowtriever
- radiology assistant
- deranged physiology
- The Crashing Patient with Critical Aortic Stenosis
- MRI with contrast when looking for tumor or infection
- Bolt vs evd. Evd is better if can place
- Pento barb coma
- RV function 60 60 rule
- fractional shortening
- Idsa resp quant 10000 cutoff. Blind aspirate 100000
- 25% means 25g per 100ml.
- Hct 50-60 and hgb 16 in prbc. Wait 2-3 hours to recheck
- trach sutures out days usually 5-7
- rescue icp trial
- qrh ticu
- use mag for shiver per columbian protocol
- measurement of pbo2 per boost3 study
- amantadine for somnolence
- free fluid in bowel could be perforation
- reality and focus trial for transfusion
- open evidence ai tool
- Books from orientation
- eveidence based critical care: a case study approach
- atlas of interstitial lung disease pathology
- clinics in chest medicine
- critical care clinic
- practical pulmonary pathology
- Middleton's allergy: principles and practice
- Sugamadex dosing
- 2 twitches: 2mg/kg
- 0-1: 4mg/kg
- Deep: up to 16mg/kg
- ketamine CI in elevated ICP
- candida auris: screening
- pancreatitis with fistula can cause pleural effusion with elevated amylase/lipase
- pleurx contraindications
- pulmonary manifestations of ibd: chest
- lung gvhd: sct, jakafi, jak and rok inhibitor. Sam Fam therapy
- Bergeron author for ILD
- noninfectious post transplant lung complications

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