conservative management for OSA includes weight loss, devices, and sleep positioning

a. positive pressure b. positional device c. nasal bypass d. continuous negative external pressure therapy e. nasal resistance device f. weight loss g. mandibular advancement device h. oral pressure device i. tongue retaining device

  • 10% weight loss decreases sleep apnea by 25%
  • positioning can help in patients with positional OSA
    • positional OSA is defined by ≥ increase in AHI with different position
    • head of bed elevation can mildly improve AHI
    • devices can help negative reinforcement for supine positioning
  • Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) are first line alternative for CPAP with better adherence
  • atomoxetine and oxybutynin decrease AHI by 60%
  • stimulants such as modafinil can help with wakefulness1


  1. Murray and Nadel Ch 122 Sleep Disordered Breathing Treatment