difference between OSA, OHS

  • OSA is obstructive sleep apnea and is characterized by apnea or hypopnea
  • OHS is obesity hypoventilation syndrome and is characterized by hypoventilation (sleep disordered breathing is characterized by apnea, hyponea, hypoventilation, RERA).
  • OHS diagnostic criteria includes ABG and serum bicarb:
    • Daytime hypoventilation with arterial blood gas PaCO2 > 45 mmHg
    • serum bicarb > 27
    • BMI > 301
  • OHS however also has nocturnal desats > 5 min
  • Patients with BMI > 40
    • 40% have OSA
    • 10% have OHS
      • within these, 70-80% have OSA
      • small numbers without OSA


  1. Murray and Nadel Ch 122 Sleep Disordered Breathing Treatment