lymphangioleiomyomatosis LAM

1.LAM::lung disease is associated with 2.VEGF::factor

More recently, VEGF-D, an angiogenic growth factor, has been shown to be elevated in patients with LAM as compared with other patients with cystic lung disease and patients with emphysema. VEGF-D levels also correlate inversely with the pulmonary function abnormalities seen in LAM—primarily airflow obstruction and a reduction in diffusing capacity.

A serum vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D) level of 800 pg/mL or greater is highly supportive of a LAM diagnosis and is elevated in up to two-thirds of women with LAM. When a cutoff of VEGF-D of 800 pg/mL or greater was used, the sensitivity and specificity of serum VEGF-D levels to diagnose LAM were 71% and 100%, respectively.

LAM CT images
