disseminated intravascular coagulation

Common Causes

Common Causes

  • sepsis: not that common
  • most common: malignancy (APL), B cell malignancies
  • pregnancy/delivery, amniotic fluid


  • exposure to TF => thrombosis => clotting
  • dysregulation of coagulation system: everything ramped up. More coagulation and fibrinolysis

Stage 1

  • PT/PTT: normal/low
  • microthrombi, schisctocytes
  • AC: heparin gtt

Stage 2

  • factors low
  • Protein C inhibits cascade and shuts down cascade
  • PT/PTT high, fibrinogen low, very high D-Dimer
  • bleeding
  • give cryoprecipitate first, 10-15u, can help with accurate PT/INR check
  • give plasma, 1u
  • give FFP

Stage 3

  • Protein C low
  • more plugs and thrombi
  • only antithrombin left: lysis of old clots, oozing from old wound
  • give plt, cryo, FFP