- management of bone metastasis
- Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Their Disorders
- Multiple Myeloma and Related Disorders
- Erythrocyte Disorders
- Iron Overload Syndromes
- Platelet Disorders
- MKSAP Bleeding Disorders
- MKSAP Transfusion Medicine
- Thrombotic Disorders
- Hematologic Issues in Pregnancy
- coagulation cascade
- Anemia
- DVT and PE
- Hemochromatosis
- Sickle cell disease
- blood smear
- polycythemia vera
- essential thrombocytosis
- anemia lecture
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- myelofibrosis
- perioperative management of von willebrand disease vwd vwf
- hold IV iron in infection?
- thromboelastogram TEG
- IVC filter does not reduce risk of clotting and increases complications in patients who can tolerate anticoagulation
- IVC filter may be beneficial in patients with cancer and bleeding
- hemaphagocytic lymphohistiocytosis HLH
Acute bleeding and reversal
- acute bleeding classifications
- transfusing chronical anemic patients to hemoglobin goal can cause worsening symptoms or even death
- massive transfusion protocol
- anticoagulation medications and reversal
- reversal in brain bleed
Bleeding Disorders
- acquired coagulation factor inhibitors
- Bleeding disorders overview
- heparin induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis HIT
- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- Factor 8 is elevated in liver disease and decreased in DIC
- Transfusion Medicine
- use mixing studies to differentiate deficiency vs inhibitors
Literature Notes
Links to this note
- Medicine
- Transfusion Medicine
- related: Hematology
- massive transfusion protocol
- related: Transfusion Medicine, Hematology
- anticoagulation medications and reversal
- related: Hematology
- heparin induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis HIT
- related: Hematology
- DVT and PE
- related: Hematology
- hypocalcemia is common abnormality after massive transfusion
- related: Hematology, massive transfusion protocol
- acute bleeding classifications
- related: Hematology
- transfusion goals
- related: Hematology
- coagulation cascade
- essential thrombocytosis
- related: Hematology
- Factor 8 is elevated in liver disease and decreased in DIC
- related: Hematology
- IVC filter may be beneficial in patients with cancer and bleeding
- related: Hematology
- inhaled TXA may be helpful in nonmassive hemoptysis
- related: Hematology
- anticoagulation agents cascade and overview
- related: coagulation cascade, Hematology
- transfuse rbc for goal of 7 for stable hospitalized patients or 8 for cardiac or surgical patients
- related: Hematology, transfusion goals
- acquired coagulation factor inhibitors
- related: Hematology
- Anemia
- anemia lecture
- related: Hematology
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- related: Hematology
- Bleeding disorders overview
- related: Hematology
- blood smear
- related: Hematology
- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- Erythrocyte Disorders
- related: Hematology
- extramedullary hematopoiesis happens often in liver spleen and paraspinal
- related: Hematology
- hemaphagocytic lymphohistiocytosis HLH
- related: Hematology
- Hematologic Issues in Pregnancy
- related: Hematology
- Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Their Disorders
- related: Hematology
- ibcc anemia, bleeding, transfusion
- related: Hematology, Transfusion Medicine
- Iron Overload Syndromes
- related: Hematology
- related: Hematology
- IVC filter does not reduce risk of clotting and increases complications in patients who can tolerate anticoagulation
- related: Hematology
- management of bone metastasis
- related: Hematology
- MKSAP Bleeding Disorders
- related: Hematology
- MKSAP Transfusion Medicine
- related: Hematology
- Multiple Myeloma and Related Disorders
- related: Hematology
- myelofibrosis
- related: Hematology
- perioperative management of von willebrand disease vwd vwf
- related: Hematology, Perioperative
- Platelet Disorders
- related: Hematology
- polycythemia vera
- related: Hematology, essential thrombocytosis
- reversal in brain bleed
- related: Hematology
- thromboelastogram TEG
- related: Hematology
- Thrombotic Disorders
- related: Hematology
- related: Hematology
- use mixing studies to differentiate deficiency vs inhibitors
- related: Hematology
- Use serotonin release assay to determine HIT in indeterminate HIT antibody test
- related: Hematology
- Breast Cancer
- related: Hematology, breast nodule and mass
- breast nodule and mass
- related: Hematology, Breast Cancer
- Rh Autoimmunization
- Keywords:: Step 3 Hematology
- comparing different anticoagulants, warfarin, coumadin, doacs
- related: Hematology
- supratherapeutic INR
- related: Hematology
- use idarucizumab Praxbind for dabigatran Pradaxa reversal
- related: Hematology
- Cancer of Unknown Primary Site
- related: Hematology
- Effects of Cancer Therapy and Survivorship
- related: Hematology
- febrile neutropenia
- related: Hematology, notes
- Gastroenterological Malignancies
- related: Hematology
- Genitourinary Cancer
- related: Hematology
- Head and Neck Cancer
- related: Hematology
- Issues in Oncology
- related: Hematology
- leukostasis
- related: Hematology
- Lymphoid Malignancies
- related: Hematology
- Melanoma
- related: Hematology
- MKSAP Cervical Cancer
- related: Hematology
- Oncologic Urgencies and Emergencies
- related: Hematology
- Ovarian Cancer
- related: Hematology
- Warfarin
- related: Hematology, INR goals