Using Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing to Understand Dyspnea and Exercise Intolerance in Respiratory Disease
- related: cardiopulmonary exercise test CPET
- tags: #literature #pulmonary
- Test protocol1
- Evaluating physiological and perceptual responses
- determine maximum effort first
- VO2 peak
- low VO2 peak is associated with increased mortality. So high VO2 threshold is used (84% for abnormal value)
- ventilatory demand
- high Ve/VCO2 = needs higher minute ventilation to keep the same PaCO2 = inefficient ventilation
- during exercise Ve/VCO2 also rises to target mildly low PaCO2 to compensate for metabolic acidosis
- high Ve/VCO2 corresponds to high Vd/Vt = elevated deadspace to tidal volume = V/Q mismatch
- as exercise intensity rises, the linear relationship changes slope at RCP (respiratory compensation point)
- as exercise intensity rises, Ve/VCO2 value falls to nadir, normally < 34. Above 34 is abnormal.
- pulmonary gas exchange
- ventilatory reserve: VE peak to MVV
- FEV1 x 35-40
- low is bad
- dynamic operating lung volumes
- expiratory flow limitation
- exertional dyspnea
- Case examples
Links to this note
Stickland MK, Neder JA, Guenette JA, O’Donnell DE, Jensen D. Using Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing to Understand Dyspnea and Exercise Intolerance in Respiratory Disease. Chest. 2022;161(6):1505-1516. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2022.01.021 ↩ ↩2