- normal renal function
- CKD-epi calculator is better than Cr or GFR alone
- urinalysis
- IV fluids
To organize
- Hypertension
- hypertension with primary hyperaldosteronism
- Lithium
- parathyroid disease
- hematuria
Acid base
- metabolic acidosis
- heparin induced hypoaldosteronism
- metabolic alkalosis
- use delta delta gap to calculate third acid base disorder
- AKI is either oliguric or nonoliguric and either responds or doesn't to fluids
- low urine output is less than 0.5 cc per kg
- acute renal failure
- AKI note 2 24
- rhabdomyolysis induced AKI
- contrast induced nephropathy is increase of serum creatinine but does not have increased attributable risk
- prophylactic saline has not shown to reduce contrast related AKI
- medications that cause crystalline nephropathy
- ethylene glycol toxicity
- abdominal compartment syndrome
- give hypotonic fluid in post ATN diuresis
- AKI in transplant patients
- indications for CRT
- indication for dialysis
- renal artery stenosis can cause recurrent flash pulmonary edema
- metabolic acidosis in CKD
- when to start sevelamer
- indication for dialysis
- peritoneal dialysis
- dialysis
- start SGLT2 inhibitors in CKD patients with proteinuria
- when to place fistulas for dialysis
- ultrasound findings of CKD
- MRI with gadolinium contrast in CKD patients has low risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
- systemic heparin is used as anticoagulation in CRRT
- CRRT solutions
- assume creatinine clearance of 30 for patients on CRRT
Renal disorders
- kidney stones
- calcium renal stones
- renal artery stenosis can cause recurrent flash pulmonary edema
- use ACE I in renal artery stenosis
- sickle cell disease can cause papillary necrosis
- management of renal cysts
Glomerular disease
- nephrotic syndrome
- diabetetic nephropathy
- minimal change glomerulopathy
- membranous glomerulopathy
- anti-GBM
- ANCA associated glomerulonephritis
- IgA nephropathy
- lupus nephritis
- infection related glomerulonephritis
- tubulointerstitial nephritis
- nephrology urinalysis lecture 2 10
- nephrology transplant lecture 2 10
- nephrology glomerular disease 2 10
- nephrology tubulointerstitial 1 12
- nephrology toxicology 1 12
Links to this note
- Medicine
- anion gap metabolic acidosis
- low urine output is less than 0.5 cc per kg
- related: ICU intensive care unit, Nephrology
- electrolyte disorders
- related: Nephrology, Endocrine
- calcium renal stones
- related: Nephrology, kidney stones
- kidney stones
- related: Nephrology, calcium renal stones
- when to start sevelamer
- related: Nephrology, hyperphosphatemia
- abdominal compartment syndrome
- related: Nephrology
- toxic ingestions can have anion gap and osmolar gap
- related: Nephrology, toxic ingestions
- causes for BUN elevation
- related: Nephrology
- nonanion gap metabolic acidosis NAGMA causes
- related: Nephrology, anion gap metabolic acidosis
- dialysis
- related: Nephrology
- hyperphosphatemia
- related: Nephrology, when to start sevelamer
- nephrotic syndrome
- related: Nephrology
- indication for dialysis
- related: Nephrology, dialysis
- interstitial cystitis
- related: UTI, Nephrology
- CARE study
- related: Nephrology, hyperphosphatemia, when to start sevelamer
- AKI in transplant patients
- related: Nephrology
- AKI is either oliguric or nonoliguric and either responds or doesn't to fluids
- related: Nephrology
- AKI note 2 24
- related: Nephrology
- analgesic nephropathy
- related: Nephrology
- ANCA associated glomerulonephritis
- related: Nephrology
- related: Nephrology
- contrast induced nephropathy is increase of serum creatinine but does not have increased attributable risk
- related: Nephrology
- CRRT solutions
- related: Nephrology
- diabetetic nephropathy
- related: Nephrology
- related: Nephrology
- give hypotonic fluid in post ATN diuresis
- related: Nephrology
- hematuria
- related: Nephrology
- heparin induced hypoaldosteronism
- related: Nephrology
- hypertension with primary hyperaldosteronism
- related: Nephrology, Cardiology
- IgA nephropathy
- related: Nephrology
- immune complex mediated glomerulonephritis
- related: Nephrology
- infection related glomerulonephritis
- related: Nephrology
- IV fluids
- related: Nephrology
- Kidney Manifestations of Deposition Diseases
- related: Nephrology
- lupus nephritis
- related: Nephrology
- management of renal cysts
- related: Nephrology
- medications that cause crystalline nephropathy
- related: Nephrology
- membranous glomerulopathy
- related: Nephrology
- metabolic acidosis
- related: Nephrology
- metabolic acidosis in CKD
- related: Nephrology
- metabolic alkalosis
- related: Nephrology
- MGUS in kidney
- related: Nephrology
- minimal change glomerulopathy
- related: Nephrology
- related: Nephrology
- MRI with gadolinium contrast in CKD patients has low risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
- related: Nephrology
- nephrology glomerular disease 2 10
- related: Nephrology
- nephrology toxicology 1 12
- related: Nephrology
- nephrology transplant lecture 2 10
- related: Nephrology
- nephrology tubulointerstitial 1 12
- related: Nephrology
- nephrology urinalysis lecture 2 10
- related: Nephrology
- normal renal function
- related: Nephrology
- peritoneal dialysis
- related: Nephrology, sbp
- prograft
- related: Nephrology
- prophylactic saline has not shown to reduce contrast related AKI
- related: Nephrology
- renal artery stenosis can cause recurrent flash pulmonary edema
- related: Nephrology
- rhabdomyolysis induced AKI
- related: Nephrology
- related: Nephrology
- sickle cell disease can cause papillary necrosis
- related: Nephrology
- systemic heparin is used as anticoagulation in CRRT
- related: Nephrology
- tubulointerstitial nephritis
- related: Nephrology
- ultrasound findings of CKD
- related: Nephrology
- urinalysis
- related: Nephrology
- use ACE I in renal artery stenosis
- related: Nephrology
- use delta delta gap to calculate third acid base disorder
- related: Nephrology
- when to place fistulas for dialysis
- related: Nephrology
- hypernatremia
- related: Nephrology, hyponatremia
- hyponatremia
- related: Nephrology, hypernatremia
- Methanol
- related: Nephrology
- pyroglutamic acidosis
- related: Nephrology
- calciphylaxis
- related: Nephrology, hypocalcemia
- postoperative hyponatremia
- related: Nephrology
- related: Nephrology
- sodium and glucose
- related: Nephrology
- start SGLT2 inhibitos in CKD patients with proteinuria
- related: Nephrology