SEEK Questionnaires
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- acute and chronic eosinophilic pneumonia AEP and CEP
- mycobactrium avium MAC
- [^1]: Broaddus, V. Courtney et al. Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Ed. V. Courtney Broaddus et al. Seventh edition. Philadelphia, PA, 2021. Print.
[^3]: Bryant J.M., Grogono D.M., Greaves D., et. al.: Whole-genome sequencing to identify transmission of Mycobacterium abscessus between patients with cystic fibrosis: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet 2013; 381: pp. 1551-1560.
[^4]: Falkinham JO. Reducing Human Exposure to Mycobacterium avium. Annals ATS. 2013;10(4):378-382. doi:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201301-013FR
[^5]: Broaddus, V. Courtney et al. Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Ed. V. Courtney Broaddus et al. Seventh edition. Philadelphia, PA, 2021. Print
[^6]: Infection with Mycobacterium avium complex in patients without predisposing conditions. Prince DS, Peterson DD, Steiner RM, Gottlieb JE, Scott R, Israel HL, Figueroa WG, Fish JE. N Engl J Med. 1989;321(13):863.
[^7]: Elicker, Brett M., W. Richard Webb, and W. Richard (Wayne Richard) Webb. Fundamentals of High-Resolution Lung CT: Common Findings, Common Patterns, Common Diseases, and Differential Diagnosis. Second edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Wolters Kluwer, 2019.
[^8]: SEEK Questionnaires
[^9]: An Official ATS/IDSA Statement: Diagnosis, Treatment, an Prevention of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Diseases." A Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2007.
- constrictive bronchiolitis is small airway disease
- mesothelioma
- CPAP improves LV afterload by preventing upper airway collapse
- pulmonary abscess
- combined pulmonary fibrosis emphysema CPFE
- tpa contraindications
- CLAD chronic lung allograft dysfunction
- methemoglobinemia has reduced O2 saturation with normal PaO2
- pulmonary diseases that are less common among smokers than nonsmokers
- propofol infusion syndrome can lead to elevated lactic acidosis
- Lung nodules
- aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease
- pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis PLG is associated with EBV
- cryptococcus pulmonary infection
- pulmonary coccidioidomycosis infection
- follicular bronchiolitis
- use pirfenidone over nintedanib for less CYP interactions for pulmonary fibrosis
- arterial line damping
- arterial line transducer positioning in relation to heart
- benefits of NIV
- brain death exams
- driving pressure is plateau pressure minus PEEP
- MRSA nare test has high NPV
- post surgical necrotizing soft tissue infection can have shock and dishwasher fluid appearance
- PT OT reduces ICU delirium
- pulmonary embolism readministration of TPA
- eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis aka churg strauss
- GPA granulomatosis with polyangitis Wegener
- respiratory bronchiolitis
- LAM vs PLCH vs LIP vs PBML image, histology, PFT
- [^1]: SEEK Questionnaires
[^3]: Algorithmic approach to multiple intraparenchymal cysts. Abbreviations: HRCT, high-resolution CT; BHD, Birt-Hogg-Dubé; H/O, history of; LAM, lymphangioleiomyomatosis; TS, tuberous sclerosis [complex (TSC)]; PTX, pneumothorax; PFT = pulmonary function test; HMB-45, Human Melanoma Black. Figure courtesy of Raoof S, Bondalapati P, Vydyula R, et al. Cystic lung diseases: algorithmic approach. Chest. 2016;150(4):945-965.
- pulmonary echinococcosis can present with pneumothorax
- aspirin can be used for prophylaxis after treatment of unprovoked recurrent DVT
- asbestosis
- dupilumab dupixent is used to treat oral corticosteroid dependent asthma
- 2, 3 BPG and RBC
- 6 minute walk test 6mwt
- acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease
- ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can be mistaken for lung problems
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia BPD can lead to airway obstruction
- castleman disease
- chronic silicone embolism syndrome
- e-cigarettes and tobacco
- EVALI ecigarette or vaping associated lung injury
- hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
- idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis IPH can cause DAH
- lung transplant medication and CYP interactions
- lupus can have shrinking lung syndrome
- marijuana use can induce bulla formation
- Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome or tracobronchomegaly
- osler weber rendu is associated with high output heart failure from hepatic AVM
- osler weber rendu is associated with pulmonary AVM
- placental transmogrification of the lung
- pneumonia tularemia needs to be treated with aminoglycoside
- post lung transplant infections
- primary graft dysfunction following lung transplant
- Primary graft dysfunction is form of acute noncardiogenic pulmonary edema following transplant
- rituximab can cause hypogammaglobulinemia
- thoracic endometriosis syndrome TES can cause catamenial pneumothorax and hemothorax
- traumatic pulmonary pseudocysts can result following trauma
- use rigid bronchoscopy for extraction of foreign objects
- use sniff test to diagnose diaphragmatic paralysis
- VAP risk factors for MDR pathogens
- Warfarin can cause tracheobronchial tree calcification
- TIPS can cause portopulmonary hypertension
- initiating nighttime NIV for chronic hypercapnia in COPD
- hemaphagocytic lymphohistiocytosis HLH
- reversal in brain bleed
- thromboelastogram TEG
- extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- stress index in ventilators
- pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
- lymphoid interstitial pneumonia LIP can have ground glass opacities with peribronchovascular cystic lesions, differentiate it from NSIP
- dupilumab dupixent can have transient elevation in blood eosinophils
- cystic fibrosis treat with Trikafta over mono or dual therapy
- cocaine overdose leads to catecholamine excess
- phenobarbital use have increased risk for steven johnson syndrome
- treat cocaine overdose with benzodiazepines, ccb, and nitroglycerin
- early diastolic transmitral flow on apical four chamber view
- Triple inhaler improves mortality in COPD patients and should be used over ICS-LABA
- renal artery stenosis can cause recurrent flash pulmonary edema
- diagnostic criteria for acute eosinophilic pneumonia
- myasthenia crisis
- lymphoid interstitial pneumonia LIP have positive autoimmune labs and lymphocyte BAL results
- bronchiolitis with air trapping can have appearance of decreased lung density on expiration
- dilated coronary sinus on US can be result of persistent left superior vena cava
- infiltrative cardiomyopathy ultrasound findings
- use alpha pressors for takotsubo cardiomyopathy
- VTE in pregnancy treatment
- seizure can be result of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- calculating efficacy
- calculating survival probability
- number needed to screen and prevalence
- person time rate
- power and confidence level of research
- PPV has positive relationship with prevalence
- sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, true positive, false positive, true negative, false negative
- type 1 and 2 errors
- [^1]: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
- validation methods in big data analysis
- most common complication of HRS treatment includes respiratory failure
- continue normal asthma management except ICS LABA in pregnant patients
- mannitol inhalation test for asthma diagnosis
- start allergen immunotherapy for controlled asthma patients
- use bronchial thermoplasty to treat severe asthma
- babesiosis babesia microti
- blastomycosis
- chlamydia parrot disease
- common fungal infection histology
- do not use zanamivir for treatment of COPD due to influenza
- Fungal Infections
- fungitell aka beta d glucan testing
- Malaria causes cyclic fevers
- monkeypox aka mpox has rash and
- mucormycosis can cause pseudoaneurysm
- mucormycosis pulmonary and treatment
- nocardia and actinomyces
- pseudomonas risk factors
- use cefiderocol for high resistant pseudomonas
- treat refractory MAC with amikacin
- paragangliomas is a type of middle mediastinum mass
- eosinophilia in pleural effusion suggests BAPE, air, PE, or cancer
- pleurx catheter results in fewer pleural procedure than talc pleurodesis
- spontaneous bacterial empyema SBEM is empyema without pneumonia
- trapped lung physiology is result of chronic lung entrapment
- urinothorax is associated with obstructive uropathy after trauma or surgery
- use radioisotope scan to diagnose hepatic hydrothorax
- order CPET to diagnose chronic dyspnea and assess preoperative risks
- cryptogenic organizing pneumonia COP histology shows Masson bodies
- acute eosinophilic pneumonia can present after unusual or unique exposures
- acute eosinophilic pneumonia diagnosis include eosinophils on BAL, pulmonary infiltrate, febrile illness
- treat eosinophilic pneumonia with steroids
- cardioselective beta blocker does not worsen COPD
- endobronchial valve placement BLVR offers nonsurgical option for COPD patients
- [^1]: COPD Part III LVRS, Bipap, and Transplant
- lung volume reduction surgery LVRS
- oxygen therapy improves survival in patients with resting hypoxemia
- pursed lip breathing for COPD
- selection criteria for lung transplantation in COPD patients
- [^1]: COPD Part III LVRS, Bipap, and Transplant
- start roflumilast for chronic bronchitis patient
- use lower respiratory rate and high tidal volume for COPD patients on ventilator
- use standard trigger and high cycle sensitivity for COPD patients
- ILD associated with MDA-5 dermatomyositis
- mycophenolate as primary treatment for sjogren associated ILD
- nintedanib can be used to treat fibrotic HP and CTD ILD
- CABG patients have high false positive for HIT
- bronchial atresia is a congenital anomaly that can cause mucous impaction
- mesothelioma is associated with BAP1 mutation
- mesothelioma vs adeno staining
- pulmonary carcinoid tumors are slow growing neuroendocrine tumor
- hamartomas are slow growing tumors with fat and cartilage
- IMT inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
- APAP results in lower mean airway pressure compared to CPAP
- ASV adaptive support ventilation
- CPAP with expiratory pressure relief
- CSA supplemental O2
- eszopiclone is used to help improve adherence to CPAP
- high altitude can worsen CSA
- initiating daytime ventilation for neuromuscular disease patients
- initiating nighttime NIV for chronic hypercapnia in OHS
- opioid impact on sleep disordered breathing
- PAP therapy does not improve survival in HFrEF patients with CSA
- REM sleep and pulmonary disorders
- use in lab sleep testing instead of home for complicated sleep apnea
- acceptability, usability, repeatability of spirometry qualities
- difference between asthma, copd, emphysema on PFT
- [^1]: An Algorithmic Approach to Chronic Dyspnea
[^3]: Gelb AF, Yamamoto A, Verbeken EK, et al. Unraveling the pathophysiology of the asthma-COPD overlap syndrome: unsuspected mild centrilobular emphysema is responsible for loss of lung elastic recoil in never smokers with asthma with persistent expiratory airflow limitation. Chest. 2015;148(2):313-320.
- DLCO can be affected by valsalva maneuver
- DLCO VA abnormality
- fixed ratio vs LLN for spirometry
- GLI equation how did it come about
- PFT spirometry, DLCO, lung volume orders
- pulmonary function test changes in pregnancy
- step up pattern in restrictive lung disease is result of respiratory muscle weakness
- diagnosis of HP is in imaging and BAL with high lymphocyte count
- HP hypersensitivity pneumonitis is divided into fibrotic and nonfibrotic types
- LIP histology findings
- lymphoid interstitial pneumonia LIP etiologies are typically autoimmune
- treatment for lymphoid interstitial pneumonia LIP usually includes immunosuppression
- azithromycin, erm41, and mycobacterium abscessus
- discontinue DVT ppx prior to lumbar puncture
- galactomannan test
- check point inhibitor pneumonitis
- example calculation winters formula agma
- red meat allergy
- adding inspiratory hold to improve double triggering
- APRV has less sedation and paralysis
- calculating driving pressure in pressure control mode
- delayed cycling caused by low trigger and high inspiratory time
- PEEP and plateau in APRV
- static and dynamic compliance
- acute mercury toxicity
- aerospace industry is associated with berylliosis
- hydrogen sulfide is deadly sewer gas
- metal fume fever
- benign vs malignant tracheobronchial tumors
- fat containing mediastinal masses
- immunohistochemical lung cancers
- mediastinal liposarcoma is hetergenous mass with adipose tissues
- middle mediastinum mass
- NSCLC overview chemo treatment
- pediatric pulmonary tumors
- PFT example of lung cancer causing fixed airway obstruction
- pleural lipoma are benign nodules
- pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma is a type of salivary gland tumor
- purely ground glass lung nodule
- risk of lung resection
- schwannoma with pleural mass
- second primary vs separate tumor nodule
- segmentectomy vs lobectomy in stage 1a1 lung cancer
- solitary fibrous tumor of pleura SFTP is benign mobile pleural tumor
- stage 3a NSCLC with resection, chemo, and if able check point inhibitor
- surveillance CT scan after resection of NSCLC
- treatment of stage 4 NSCLC with solitary mets can be curative intent
- thymoma can have drop metastases to pleura
- thymoma paraneoplastic syndrome includes myasthenia gravis
- moderator band in RV on ultrasound
- disseminated histoplasmosis leads to sepsis, pancytopenia, adrenal insufficiency, and lymphadenopathy
- treat moderate to severe histoplasma with amphotericin B and itraconazole
- can then taper to oral itraconazole for 12 weeks to as long as 12 months[^1]
[^1]: SEEK Questionnaires
- use low TV and FiO2 on ventilator for ECMO patients
- avacopan is a c5a receptor inhibitor used to treat ANCA vasculitis
- use icatibant for hereditary angioedema
- GPA granulomatosis with polyangitis CT chest shows cavitary diseases
- granulomatosis with polyangiitis histology shows necrotizing granulomas
- pulmonary vasoreactivity
- sickle cell disease and pulmonary hypertension
- use endothelin antagonist to treat pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell patients
- sarcoidosis and transplant
- LAM can have normal PFT until late in disease
- treat LAM disease with sirolimus
- primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
- six sigma and lean
- pulmonary langerhans PLCH etiology, patient population
- pulmonary langerhans PLCH has S100 and CD1a positive staining
- pulmonary langerhans PLCH symptoms, PFT, CT finding
- pulmonary langerhans PLCH treatment
- birt hogg dube syndrome
- light chain deposition disease LCDD
- differentiation syndrome aka retinoic acid syndrome
- prevention of recurrent VTE in cancer patients